Arabic Grammar – Complete Reference

Arabic Grammar full

Arabic Grammar – Complete Reference Principles of Arabic grammar👉Reference to most subjects of Arabic grammar in an easy way. 💠Part 1 content💠تعريف علم النحوالجملة وأقسام الكلمةالفعل علاماته وتقسيماتهالاسم علاماته وتقسيماته 💠Part 2 content💠الحرف علاماته وتقسيماتهالضمائر المنفصلة والمتصلةاسم الإشارةالفعل الماضي والفعل المضارع وفعل الأمر 💠Part 3 content💠الاسم المعرب والمبنيالاستفهاماسم الشرطاسم موصول 💠Part 4 content💠الاسماء الخمسةالحروفالممنوع من […]

كيفية توفير بيئة مريحة لقطتك في المنزل: نصائح لمربي القطط

قد تكون القطط ممتعة ومميزة، لكنها تتطلب الكثير من العناية والتفكير. في هذا المقال، سنستعرض أهم النصائح لمربي القطط حول كيفية توفير بيئة مريحة لقطتك في المنزل. ستتعلم كيف تجعل منزلك مكانًا آمنًا وصحيًا لقطتك، مما سيساعدها على الاستمتاع بحياتها بشكل أفضل. 1. اكتشف أهم النصائح لرعاية قطتك في المنزل: قد تبدأ رعاية قطتك من […]

AR Kid’s Kit Anatomy T-Shirt

how to use: Download or save Augmented reality AR Kids Kit QR Code. Print Augmented reality QR Code on T-shirt, or on A4 paper and stick it on T-shirt. Download and AR Kids Kit app and choose Augmented Reality T-shirt section. Point with your camera to cards the 3D objects will appear.

AR Kids Kit Animals Flash Cards

AR Kids Kit Animals

how to use: Download or save Augmented reality AR Kids Kit Cards. Print Augmented reality cards (black and white or colored) or show cards on another phone. Download and AR Kids Kit app and choose Animals section point with your camera to cards the 3D objects will appear.

AR Kids Kit Math Flash Cards – French

AR Kids Kit French math

how to use: Download or save Augmented reality AR Kids Kit Cards. Print Augmented reality cards (black and white or colored) or show cards on another phone. Download and AR Kids Kit app and choose Arabic Math section point with your camera to cards the 3D objects will appear.

AR Kids Kit Math Flash Cards – English

AR Kids Kit English math

how to use: Download or save Augmented reality AR Kids Kit Cards. Print Augmented reality cards (black and white or colored) or show cards on another phone. Download and AR Kids Kit app and choose Arabic Math section point with your camera to cards the 3D objects will appear.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that has been rapidly growing in popularity over the past few years. It combines digital elements with real-world environments to create an immersive experience for users. AR can be used in many different ways, from gaming and entertainment to education and business applications. It has become increasingly accessible as […]

Part 7 | Arabic Alphabet AR

The appearance of the 3D object may take time the first time onlyShow one of this group cards in front of the camera AR through the application is faster than the browser and has better capabilities to download the application, click here.